Being in college is exciting but demanding. Your academic and extracurricular obligations may feel continual as you live in a community with others. This time of your life requires a great deal of you, so be patient with yourself and the process of growing, changing, and healing. Your college years are full of transition, adjustment, and expectation – as well as adventure and abundance of promise for the future.

To help during your college years (and beyond), you may want to try these self-care practices. Remember that these strategies are recommendations only and do not substitute for professional care when needed.

Activities for health and wellness:

Notice when you need help and be willing to reach out. The Center for Holistic Health on campus is available to help you balance the emotional, social, and educational aspects of life. Services are completely free for all enrolled students. For more information, stop by Old Main 109A, call 218.299.3514, or request an appointment online.

Published March 2021